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about us

Ok, full disclosure.

We throw around words like "We" and "Us" a lot on this site, but in reality "We" is actually just "Me".


Josh Maule.


Swiss Army Planet is a one man project, started as a sort of Proof-of-Concept back in 2022.


I've been writing and recording music in some form or another for over 25 years, and it was a long standing dream of mine to one day release a full ablum of original music.  In 2022, I finally made that dream happen.


Swiss Army Planet is a genuine one man endeavor, as I write, record, mix and master all of my own music, as well as create all album artwork, logos, websites, etc.  It is a true labor of love.


I write music that I want to listen to.

I make art that I want to look at.

I sing because I cannot stay silent.


And I truly appreciate everyone who joins in along the way.

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